Thursday 10 July 2014

The blue g-string

Good old Steve in TX13.  He is always telling a good story at the ranks.  One Tuesday evening at about 8pm, he got a call from one of his regulars who wanted a $40 ride to the city from West Belconnen. 

Steve dropped off this fella, whom we'll call Greg, in the city.  The trip was uneventful and there was some boring conversation about the weather and how shit Ricky Stuart is as a coach.  Steve sort of liked Greg but there was something about him which he couldn't quite put his finger on that he found weird.  Not Rolf Harris paedophile weird, just a six pack short of a case weird.

About ten minutes after Steve dropped Greg off, Steve got a call from Greg:

Steve:  Hello
Greg:  Yeah, Hi, been thinking about you lots lately.  You know you've got really nice thighs.

Steve had been working hard on his thighs over six months.  He been doing plenty of squats and been doing interval training on the exercise bike so he took it as a compliment.

Steve:  Thanks mate.
Greg:  Oh gee, fuck your thighs are nice.  [Heavy breathing] You know you'd look really hot in a blue g-string.
Steve: Ah mate, do you know who you're talking to?
Greg:  Matt, isn't it?
Steve:  No, it is Steve, the taxi driver.
Greg:  Oh shit.  [Beep.  Beep.  Line dead].

Needless to say, Steve never got a call from Greg again.

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