Thursday 5 June 2014

"Next time walk, you might lose some weight you fat fuck."

I had just dropped off in Harrison from the airport and was heading back to the airport on a Sunday night.  I had travelled halfway down Majura Road when they threw me a radio job.  I wasn't sure whether to accept but decided to take a chance that it was a good job.  The job was from Gunghalin Lakes Sports Club - very unlikely to be a good job.  It took me about 15 minutes to get back there and when I did I regretted accepting the job.  A large, overweight 40 year old bloke got in and said "Where the fuck did you come from?  I've been waiting 20 minutes.  What kind of service are you operating."

I apologised for the delay and explained where I had come from.  He had either lost a great deal of money on the pokies or something but this guy was in a foully. He went on about how fucked the taxi industry is and how we rip people off with our extortionate fares.  I tried to explain that we only earned $12 an hour on a Sunday night and that was the cost unless we were going to be subsidised by the Government.  He said I was a bullshit artist and that cabbies were rolling in it.  By this stage we had got to his house - clearly a short fare.  He paid the $6 for the fare and told me where to go.  He got out of the cab and walked five metres.  I wound down the window and said, "Instead of waiting 20 minutes for a cab, why don't you walk home.  You might lose some weight you fat fuck."  I put the car in gear and burnt some rubber as I sped off. 

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