Sunday 8 December 2013

The Caltex C!nt

There are plenty of people out there who think that taxi drivers are just a step above used car salesman in order of social status.  I often get a remark "Gee mate, you seem intelligent, why are you a taxi driver?"  The simple answer is because I love it.  Studies have actually shown that taxi drivers use their brains quite frequently during a shift - navigating, working out where the work is, calculating change and chatting with customers.  You actually have to have a degree of intelligence to be a taxi driver.  Dumb fucks don't last long as taxi drivers because they can't figure out how to make money or get abused by customers and don't get paid because they take long routes.

My mate in TX 13, Steve, had an interesting experience one night.  He picked up these two guys in the city and recognised one of them as the night owl from the Gunghalin Caltex who regularly served Steve after a fuel up from a late night shift.  He was thinking that this was going to be a good fare.  But his mate, whom I call ASSHOLE in the back, started to give Steve some curry about his existence as a taxi driver.

ASSHOLE:  Mate, you're a white taxi driver, what the fuck are you doing with your life?
Steve: I actually enjoy being a taxi driver.
ASSHOLE: You enjoy it? Dealing with drunk people, people spewing up in your cab.  You can't be fucking serious.

If you've read my earlier blogs you would realise that Steve in TX13 has a take no prisoners attitude to taxi driving.  I was a little surprised when Steve first told me this story that he didn't pull over and make them walk.  For some reason Steve decided to run with it.

Steve:  Yeah mate, I do.  I really enjoy and I make enough to get by.
ASSHOLE:  Well mate, I'm an APS6 doing really important work in the public service.  What the fuck are you doing with your life?
Steve:  Good for you.
ASSHOLE: Hey Barry (the Caltex C!nt), do you think we can break him?
Barry:  No mate, I don't think we can break him.

Break him???  What a pair of assholes.  How weak a human being to have to be to try and break someone.  Oh, ASSHOLE, you think you've made it as an APS6 employee well I've got news for you.  You are a glorified document filer.  You don't actually do any real work in the APS until you make EL1 level.

And yes, Caltex C1nt, we got plans for you.  We are going to break you.  Nothing illegal.  We are going to make your night a misery.

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