Monday 16 December 2013

"Take your McBurger, take your Mcfries, and McFuck Off!"

Steve in TX13 had an interesting night on Friday night.  He picked up a male at McDonalds Braddon who asked to be driven to O'Connor.  The guy had some McDonalds with him and was drunk, but still with it.  Steve asked him not to eat the McDonalds in the taxi and the guy reluctantly agreed.  For some reason Steve knew it was going to be a bad fare.  The conversation went a little like this:

Steve: How's your night been?
Male: Crap
Steve: Gee, that's no good.
Male: Women are fucked. Canberra's fucked.  Males are cunts.  It's all just fucked.
Steve:  Gee, mate.  Things aren't that bad.  I think you need to be a little more positive.
Male:  Positive? Nah mate, you can go and get fucked.  You taxi drivers are fucked too.  You don't know the routes, most of you are curry munchers that stink and rip people off.
Steve:  Mate, that's a bit of a generalisation.
Male: Generalisation?  I'm just telling you like it is.  You're a fuck head too.

Steve thought about pulling over and telling him to walk but they were close to the destination so he let it ride.  When they got to the destination, the male pulled out a credit card with pay wave functionality.  Steve tapped in the fare and waved the card.  The transaction went through.  Steve attempted to give the male the receipt but he asked what the fuck he was doing.  Steve said he used pay wave and the payment went through.  The male replied that he had never had that done before and asked to cancel the transaction.  Steve said he couldn't cancel it and that the payment had already been made.  The male started to get angry and demanded he cancel it.  Steve stepped out of the cab and explained that he had pressed the alert button and that the cops would soon be on their way.  The male said he didn't care.  Steve then grabbed his McDonalds with the coke and the male stepped out of the cab.  Steve sized up to the male and the male took a backward step.  Steve then chucked the McDonalds into the bush nearby and then exclaimed "Take your McBurger, take your McFries and McFuck off!" as he hurled his coke down the street.  The male stood there stunned.     

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