Sunday 22 December 2013

The adidas sandals

You may have seen him at the bus interchange - he has dreadlocks, about 5 foot 10", and carries his backpack around with him.  He is a homeless guy that sits in the corner of the city bus interchange on a Friday and Saturday night while the revellers throw change at him.  He is a protected species - nobody touches him and he lives in relative harmony with the night owls in Civic.  Steve in TX13 had a little incident with him on Friday night.

Last Friday night was massive - Steve had his best night ever in terms of money taken but he still had a few dickheads.  One of these dickheads asked to be taken from Civic to Fyshwick so they could check out the Men's Club.  Much to Steve's annoyance they drank along the way and were just a general nuisance.  To cut a long story short, one of the dickheads left his adidas sandals in the back of the cab and Steve didn't realise this til he got back to Civic.  He thought about returning them and then thought to himself they were dickheads, they don't deserve their sandals back. 

Steve pulled in at McDonald's Braddon, one of the most incompetent McDonald's in the history of McDonald's.  Steve ordered a Grand Angus burger and instead he got a cheeseburger and two apple pies.  Steve then drove into the bus interchange and parked his cab next to where the homeless guy was.  He gave him one apple pie and the adidas thongs and said "Merry Christmas, mate."

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