Sunday, 5 August 2012

No one's tighter than a public servant

After driving cabs for a while, you learn a few things about people.  One thing I've learnt is that no one is tighter than a public servant.  Take two examples.

The first example is a lady I picked up from Russell Defence Offices who wanted to go to Fyshwick on a personal errand.  I took her there for about $20 and sensing she would need a cab back in a short period of time, I asked her how long she was going to be.  She said she was going to be no more than five minutes so I offered to to wait around for her and drop her back.  She said. "No, I've spent too much money already, I will catch the bus back."  I was a little taken aback and replied "But you'll have to catch two buses and it will take at least an hour and a half."  "That's just the way it is, I can't afford it."  Now this lady is more than likely on $50,000+ and she is telling me she can't afford it.  You see, she probably gets flex time, so she isn't worried about the extra one hour and a half she is off work. 

The second example is a guy I picked up from Barton (and I still remember the exact address) wanting to go to the airport.  He seemed like a nice guy, and we chatted as we crossed the Kings Avenue Bridge.  He explained that he was off to a friend's wedding for the weekend in Brisbane and this friend who was getting married had previously lived in Canberra.  I made the obervation to him that there were plenty of graduates who come to Canberra, get their experience up, and then move back to Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane.  He said he would like to do the same but the recruitment freeze was making it more difficult.  The fare was approximately $24 and I was expecting him to pay cash.  But no, he pulls out his Defence Material Organisation Diners Card and pays with that.  This was not a work trip - unfuckinbelievable!!!  What a cheat!  I really should have noted his details down and sent an email off to the head of Defence Material Organsiation telling them about this fraud. What a tightarse!

When public servants aren't paying the fare and the Government's paying via cabcharge, they couldn't give a shit which direction you take them.  They don't even seem to care if they are late for a meeting.  You could get a fare from Barton to Woden and take them down the Monaro Highay and they wouldn't care.  It is just time out of the office for them.

I really shouldn't knock them too much, as public servants, when I am working day shift, comprise 80% of my fares.  But, my God, generally speaking, they are tight!